NOTE: This section contains all the technical data sheets of the vaccines currently on the market including a specific sheet where we have summarized the dosage, the adverse events declared by the manufacturer, the composition and also some curiosities where necessary. The data were collected as of January 2025 and at the bottom of each sheet you will find the direct link to the AIFA website where you can download the updated PDFs of both the summary of product characteristics and the package leaflet.
Imovax Tetanus - Sanofi Pasteur MSD (click to open)
Tetanus vaccine, purified tetanus anatoxin and adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.
Dosage declared by the manufacturer
Adults and children over 3 months of age in a course of three doses.
Italian National Vaccination Prevention Plan (PNPV).
Basic cycle 3 doses in the first year of life and booster at 6 years.
Adverse events declared by the manufacturer
- Lymphadenopathy
- Type I hypersensitivity reactions
- Headache, dizziness
- Hypotension
- Allergy-like symptoms, such as generalized itching, urticaria or rash
- Myalgia, arthralgia
- Transient pyrexia
- Brachial neuritis and Guillain Barrè syndrome
- Apnea in very premature babies
Qualitative composition declared by the manufacturer
- Tetanus anatoxin purifies
- adjuvant aluminum hydroxide, hydrate
- Acetic acid and or sodium hydroxide
- Buffer solution
- Sodium chloride
- Disodium phosphate dihydrate
- Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
- Hydrochloric acid and/or sodium hydroxide
- Water for injections
Anatetall - GlaxoSmithKline - No longer on the market (click to open)
Tetanus vaccine prepared from purified tetanus toxin, heat-inactivated and formaldehyde. Aluminum hydroxide is subsequently added to the vaccine in order to increase its immunogenic power.
No longer on the market