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Methodological approach to homeopathy

Methodological approach to homeopathy
  • Author: Robert Gava
  • Publisher: Salus Infirmorum
  • Publication: March 2011
  • Pages: 304
  • ISBN / EAN: 9788886893398
  • Can you find it in Corvelva ?: Yup

The desire to learn about Homeopathy is what drives most people to look for a book that can satisfy their "thirst" for information and knowledge.

"Methodological approach to homeopathy"is the best way to start this discovery journey on the right foot.

For what reason? First of all for the approach with which the Dr. Roberto Gava sets the book, in the form of questions and answers divided by thematic topics, a feature that makes it easy to read and consult over time.

Who is it for? The ideal reader of the book is a person who wishes to know the basics of Unicist Homeopathy and to deepen some of its concepts. It is aimed both at homeopathic doctors who are preparing for his study, and at patients who have decided to rely on this therapeutic technique as a method of treatment.
The first part of the book is structured to provide the reader with some fundamental concepts about man and his disease, preparatory for understanding the true spirit of homeopathy, also making the appropriate distinctions with traditional allopathic medicine.

Some general information on Homeopathy and homeopathic treatment, as well as on the different types of approach adopted, are then reported (unicist, complexist, pluralist, etc.). Particularly interesting are the subsequent chapters focused on the preparation and the main characteristics of homeopathic remedies, as well as all the practical advice that it is good to follow during homeopathic therapy.
Central is also the part where the precautions to be taken are reported, both for the doctor and for the patient, during the first homeopathic visit, so that the patient knows what he expects to hear from the doctor and this is facilitated in the collection of symptoms and in the subsequent identification of the remedy.

A study on the process of choosing the most correct remedy, its dosage and its administration could not be missing. The meaning of homeopathic aggravation is also developed, particularly when it has to be interpreted positively (as activation of the healing process) or negatively.

Before I make a judgment on Homeopathy,
before deciding to take this therapy,
before saying that Homeopathy doesn't cure,
before asking questions to people who may not be able to answer,
before saying that you already know everything about Homeopathy,
before believing he can set the best homeopathic treatment,
why not read this book?

A Pharmacologist answers 400 questions on Homeopathy explaining how and when to turn to this therapeutic technique and how to solve many questions that may arise during therapy


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