
Powdered milk contaminated with mineral oils: the Nestlé, Danone and Novalac bowl test

Powdered milk contaminated with mineral oils: the Nestlé, Danone and Novalac bowl test

Baby milk powder Nestlé, Danone, Novalac, Neolac, Hero Baby and Nutrilon contain a potentially carcinogenic substance, aromatic mineral oils. This is what the laboratory analyzes conducted by Foodwatch in the Netherlands, France and Germany have revealed. Suspected number one are the cans used to hold the products. The consumer association immediately warned the companies asking them to stop selling until further analysis ruled out contamination.

The laboratory tests affected by Foodwatch were many: the organization brought 16 breast milk substitutes to the laboratory in search of apossible presence of mineral oil. To this end, the consumer organization has commissioned three renowned food labs to carry out the analyzes using different methods. Residues of aromatic mineral oils (Moah) were found in half of the samples. The dairy products concerned are:

In the Netherlands:
Neolac Biooogisch 1 Volledige zuigenlingenvoeding 0-6 m; MOAH: 1,6 mg / kg
Lot number: 11620; Expiry date: 15.01.2021;

Hero Baby hypoallergenic nutrasense 0-6 months; MOAH: 0,8 mg / kg
Lot number: 80926-023; Expiry date: 26.09.2020;

Nutrilon Dieetvoeding bij koemelkallergie 1 0-6 maanden; MOAH: 1,2 mg / kg
Lot number: 90722241; Expiry date: 22.08.2020;

In France:
Nestlé Nidal Lait en poudre 1er âge; MOAH: 1,2 mg / kg
Lot number: 90720346AC; Expiry date: 01.03.2021;

Danone Gallia Galliagest Croissance 3 Sans lattact; MOAH: 0,7 mg / kg
Lot number: 905764 (019079); Expiry date: 19.12.2019;

In Germany:
Nestlé BEBA OPTIPRO PRE 800 g von Geburt an; MOAH: 3,0 mg / kg
Lot number: 91120346AA; Expiry date: 10/2020;

Nestlé BEBA OPTIPRO 1 800 g of Geburt an; MOAH: 1,9 mg / kg
Lot number: A5952275; Expiry date: 11.03.2020;

Novalac Säuglingsmilchnahrung PRE 400g; MOAH: 0,5 mg / kg
Lot number: 9098080621; Expiry date: 10/2020;

The possible contamination? The cans

The results of the analyzes show that the substances found in milk powders are components of non-purified mineral oil. They may have been transferred from metal cans: so-called are used in their production oils for rolling and cutting. Foodwatch therefore advises parents to stop feeding their children from canned milk as a precaution until manufacturers can demonstrate that the products are not contaminated.

They are potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic

Mineral oils are the largest contaminants in the human body. "Aromatic mineral oils" are described by the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) as potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic, why these residues they should not be present in food even in the smallest quantities. As early as 2015, Foodwatch had analyzed 120 foods such as pasta, rice or cornflakes and found traces of mineral oils in 43 percent of the sample.

There are no legal limits

Although the health risks caused by mineral oil impurities in food have been known for years, there are still no legal limits. Foodwatch requires safe limits for mineral oils in food - for particularly critical aromatic mineral oils (Moah) a zero tolerance policy.

After the first Foodwatch tests four years ago, several major retailers undertook - voluntarily - to ensure that there are no longer any Moah detectable in their food products, including LIDL and Aldi in Germany and E.Leclerc, Carrefour, Intermarché , System U, Casino in France. Foodwatch asks for one immediate European regulation to prevent such contamination.


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