
Infectious virus in the exhaled breath of symptomatic cases of seasonal flu from a university community

Infectious virus in the exhaled breath of symptomatic cases of seasonal flu from a university community

In this translation we report only one of ours ABSTRACT and CONCLUSIONS. We leave the consultation of the entire study available in the links at the bottom of the page.

Foreword (by Corvelva)

New scientific research published by the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) reveals that people who receive the flu vaccine emit 630% more influenza virus particles into the air than unvaccinated individuals. In effetti questa scoperta documenta la prova che i vaccini antinfluenzali diffondono l'influenza e che la cosiddetta "immunità della gregge" è una bufala medica perché "il gregge" in realtà si trasforma in portatori e diffusori di influenza 6,3 volte in più dei non vaccinati.
Lo studio, che ha esaminato 355 volontari con sintomi simil-influenzali, ha scoperto che le persone che in precedenza avevano ricevuto vaccini antinfluenzali emettevano quantità più elevate di particelle di virus influenzale.

Dallo studio: "L'RNA virale nelle particelle esalate era anche positivamente associato alla vaccinazione antinfluenzale sia per la stagione corrente che precedente ... Forniamo prove schiaccianti che gli esseri umani generano particelle esalate infettive e dati quantitativi per migliorare i modelli matematici di trasmissione e interventi di sanità pubblica ... La nostra osservazione di un'associazione tra la vaccinazione ripetuta e l'aumento della generazione di particelle esalate virali hanno dimostrato la potenza del nostro metodo, ma hanno bisogno di conferma.

Sorprendentemente, le persone che hanno ricevuto vaccinazioni antinfluenzali emettono 6,3 volte (o 630%) il numero di particelle di virus influenzali emesse da individui non vaccinati. 

Proc Natl Acad Ski USA
Jing Yana, Michael Granthama, Jovan Pantelica, P. Jacob Bueno de Mesquitaa, Barbara Alberta, Fengjie Liua, Sheryl Ehrmanb, Donald K. Miltona, and EMIT Consortium
September 2017


Little is known about the quantity and infectivity of the influenza virus in the exhaled breath. This contributes to uncertainty about the importance of the transmission of avian influenza. We screened 355 symptomatic volunteers with acute respiratory disease and reported 142 cases with confirmed flu infection that provided 218 nasopharyngeal respiratory samples (NP) and 30-minute breath on days 1-3. after the onset of symptoms. We assessed the number of viral copies of RNA for all samples. We recovered the infectious virus from 52 (39%) of the "fine aeresol" and 150 (89%) of the NP swabs with valid cultures. The geometric mean RNA copy numbers were 3,8 × 104/30 minutes minutes, 1,2 × 104/30 minutes minutes of aerosol and 8,2 × 108 per NP buffer. The viral RNA of "end aeresolo" and gross was positively associated with the body mass index and the number of coughs and negatively associated with the increase in days from the onset of symptoms in the adjusted models. The viral RNA of "end aeresolo" he was also positively associated with flu vaccination for both the current and previous seasons. NP buffer viral RNA was positively associated with upper respiratory symptoms and negatively associated with age, but was not significantly associated with fine or coarse aerosol viral RNA or their predictors. Sneezing was rare, and sneezing and coughing were not necessary for infectious aerosol generation. Our observations suggest that influenza infection in the upper and lower airways is compartmentalized and independent.



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