The pandemics scam

Influenza A: Europe investigates "pandemic scam"

Influenza A: Europe investigates "pandemic scam"

There is a risk of exploding a scandal on the main pharmaceutical companies that have sold, it seems on their terms, vaccine stocks worth billions of euros thanks to the alarms launched by the WHO, and to the exaggerated results on the spread of influenza A / H1N1 received by the Brussels Commission .

According to a joint investigation by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the London Investigative Journalism Agency (BIJ), the experts who participated in the drafting of WHO guidelines for pandemics were found to be on the payroll. of two pharmaceutical companies: Roche and GlaxoSmithKline. A year after the announcement of the pandemic, most of the western governments find themselves with most of the stocks of vaccines, ordered at a very high price, unused. The JP Morgan bank estimated the turnover between 5,8 and 8,3 billion euros. A critical analysis of pandemic management emerges from the Council of Europe report, mainly in relation to the lack of transparency on some decisions taken by national, European and international authorities. The recommendations are written by four experts in collaboration with the 'European working group on influenza' (Eswi). "What this document did not reveal is that Eswi is fully funded by Roche and the other vaccine manufacturers and that two of the experts, René Snacken and Daniel Lavanchy, had participated in Roche-funded events the year before," British journalists Deborah Cohen and Philip Carter. The two journalists also underlined how the WHO kept secret about the composition of the emergency committee, set up by the director general, who advised her on the moment to declare the pandemic: “A decision which sparked expensive contracts for vaccines worldwide, "commented BMJ director Fiona Godlee in her editorial.

As for the urgency committee, WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl specifies that its composition will be made public when it has finished its mission, a measure aimed “to prevent its members from being pressured, given the enormous consequences of the decisions made ". The report drawn up by Paul Flynn, British Socialist Member of Parliament, and adopted on 4 June by the Health Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, also accuses the WHO of showing a "serious lack of transparency" in its decision-making processes, to which is added "overwhelming evidence that the severity of the pandemic has been largely overestimated by the WHO". The document highlights that "it is above all the rapid transition to level 6 of the pandemic, at a time when the flu gave relatively modest symptoms, combined with the change in definition of the pandemic levels shortly before the announcement of the H1N1 pandemic, which has raised concerns and suspicions in the scientific community. " The report will be submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and its 47 member states on 24 June. A "truth operation" by the health authorities is needed to regain the trust of citizens, even if the political consequences for the governments exposed in supporting the need to stock up on vaccines (addressing the relative outlays of public money in times of crisis) would be behind the curb of the top of the EPP and the Euro-socialists to an in-depth investigation into the H1N1 case.



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