The Godfather of Vaccines: the deposition of Stanley Plotkin

The Godfather of Vaccines: the deposition of Stanley Plotkin

Video 1 - Vaccinal Recommendations, Conflicts of Interest

The questions in this part mainly concern recommended vaccines in children, conflicts of interest and profits from vaccine manufacturers.

  • 00:07:53 Involvement of dr. Paul Offit to discredit anti-vax.
  • 00:10:02 VaxTruth website.
  • 00:14:02 Basic knowledge of the childhood history of the case under discussion.
  • 00:14:31 The many trips made by dr. Plotkin in the past year in relation to vaccine development.  
  • 00:18:20 The Gates Foundation also sponsors that vaccine course.
  • 00:23:29 In the absence of contraindications, Faith should receive the vaccines.
  • 00:37:35 The main payments of vaccine manufacturers to dr. Plotkin
  • 00:38:50 Total approximate amount of payments and remunerations received by Sanofi.

Video 2 - Royalty and Profits of Vaccine Producers

The questions mainly concern the sale and acquisition of intellectual and royalty rights.

  • 00:05:40 Funding of Voices for Vaccines by pharmaceutical companies.
  • 00:18:37 GSK funding for the Global Health Task Force.
  • 00:23:17 Vaccines developed by dr. Plotkin
  • 00:24:10 Millions of dollars for the chickenpox vaccine
  • 00:29:38 Millions of dollars for the sale of the rubella vaccine.
  • 00:32:10 Millions of dollars to sell the rotavirus vaccine.
  • 00:39:12 Six million dollars is a lot.
  • 00:43:37 Coalition for Immunization.

Video 3 - Vaccinal Immunity Levels, The DTaP Vaccine

The questions in this section focus primarily on immunity levels, vaccine manufacturers' gains and DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis) vaccine for children and adults.

  • 00:09:18 Undisclosed associations with Sanofi, Merck, Glaxo, Pfizer vaccine developers
  • 00:15:16 Undisclosed associations with vaccine developers: Dynavax, VBI, MyMetics, Dynavax, Inovio Biomedical Corp, etc.
  • 00:16:06 Request to update the curriculum of dr. Plotkin to reveal all connections with the four major pharmaceutical companies
  • 00:25:08 Lack of efficacy of pertussis vaccine.
  • 00:38:38 The vaccine maker's profits for 2017 were around $ 30 billion.
  • 00:39:55 Conflict of interests of vaccine manufacturers.

Video 4 - The Law on Injuries from Vaccines in the Pediatric Age

The questions now mainly concern the various healthcare organizations and their involvement in the approval of new vaccines, the National Law for Child Damage from Vaccines and the votes to approve the universal use rotavirus vaccine.

  • 00:03:33 Involvement of dr. Plotkin with CDC, FDA, NIH, ACIP.
  • 00:07:52 Dr Plotkin's work with OMS, VRBPAC, NVAC, IOM.
  • 00:10:34 The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act fraud of 1986.
  • 00:22:49 CDC vaccine schedule.
  • 00:23:32 Pediatricians rely on the CDC Program
  • 00:25:25 No responsibility for vaccine manufacturers.
  • 00:38:17 Gavel with the name of Plotkin to ACIP
  • 00:39:14 Precedence of BigVaxxPharma to ACIP.
  • 00:41:53 Harmful Effects of Vaccines.

Video 5 - The Pertussis Vaccine, Pre-Licensed Clinical Tests

The questions in this part above all highlight the lack of the placebo control group during clinical vaccine tests, focus on the pertussis vaccine and the post-administration safety testing period.

  • 00:07:39 The whooping cough vaccine kills 10 times more
  • 00:17:45 The inserts of vaccine manufacturers with only 4-5 days of safety monitoring
  • 00:19:19 No control group for pre-license tests
  • 00:24:10 The hepatitis B vaccine, IOM reviews for multiple sclerosis
  • 00:29:41 Hepatitis B insert and safety test period (4 days)
  • 00:38:26 Lack of placebo control group
  • 00:43:11 The duration of the monitoring of adverse reactions on the IPOL vaccine and subject group receiving another vaccine simultaneously

Video 6 - MMR, Hib, Gardasil vaccines

  • 02:40 Start of discussion about the lack of a control group
  • 04:40 More about the lack of control group (also in MMR tests)
  • 08:31 ACT HIB vaccine, monitoring of only 48 hours in safety tests
  • 12:17 Detailed analysis of adverse reaction data (in three years, all children will have had a serious adverse reaction)
  • 14:44 Randomized placebo-controlled study in China of children receiving the flu vaccine; the target group had 4 times more respiratory infections
  • 15:34 Another Hib vaccine, placebo replaced by the previously approved ACTHIB vaccine
  • 16:03 HPV vaccine, Gardasil, in the CDC pediatric program
  • 19:20 Gardasil control groups (AAHS and placebo): real data
  • 21:26 Description of the AAHS normally used in tests instead of a placebo
  • 25:13 The book "Vaccines in autoimmunity"
  • 36:21 Document No. 17, clinical trial data for the placebo control group in the Gardasil test
  • 37:16 Table showing zero adverse reactions in the placebo group with saline for the Gardasil test
  • 40:52 Statistical data that deserve to be reported on the placebo group with saline

Video 7 - The Godfather of Vaccines: Safety Studies, Influenza Vaccine, Adverse Reactions

This is the seventh part of the deposition of dr. Stanley A. Plotkin, The Godfather of Vaccines. The questions here mainly concern the lack of safety studies, the serious adverse reactions from the DTaP vaccine, the MMR vaccine and the flu shot. The 1994 and 2011 IOM safety reports.

  • 00:01:15 Reading the Enbrel insert and duration of the safety study (80 months)
  • 00:05:19 DTaP vaccine and comparison with safety studies without placebo control group
  • 00:09:12 Questions about serious adverse reactions presumably caused by DTaP, MMR and anti-influenza vaccines
  • 00:13:31 Admitting that the hepatitis B vaccine and possibly the anti flu cause fibromyalgia
  • 00:16:51 Admission that multiple placebo-controlled studies are needed for vaccines
  • 00:21:58 Document 19, Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella vaccines
  • 00:29:30 Discussion on the possibility of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies to evaluate the safety of pediatric vaccines made on adults
  • 00:34:44 Another IOM report on '94 vaccine safety
  • 00:41:01 The 2011 IOM safety report

Video 8 - Autism, Causal Relationship, Vaccinated vs. Non-Vaccinated

The questions in this section focus attention on the IOM report on causality relationships, the lack of evidence to determine whether or not vaccines cause autism and the feasibility of comparative studies between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

  • 00:00:55 Examination of the IOM report on causality
  • 00:03:51 IOM conclusions on causality relationships: INSUFFICIENT to determine both causality and rejection
  • 00:05:40 INSUFFICIENT DATA to prove a causal relationship between flu and hepatitis B vaccines and serious adverse reactions; a placebo-controlled study would be needed to determine it
  • 00:07:54 Reports of serious adverse reactions to the DTaP vaccine
  • 00:08:52 The IOM conclusions of the 2011 report on DTaP / Tdap vaccines
  • 00:09:35 Document 22, abstract of the IOM report on the possibility that DTaP / Tdap cause autism
  • 00:11:49 The Witness cites a study showing a causal relationship with autism, but judges the authors as antivaccinists
  • 00:13:07 The Witness declares that in the absence of evidence, no causality can be determined
  • 00:14:06 Mr. SIRI replies that for the same reason the opposite cannot be said
  • 00:14:20 IOM report on MMR vaccine as a cause of autism; causality is rejected following a study
  • 00:15:02 Mr SIRI points out that it is still possible to do studies to determine causality, but for TDaP they have not been done
  • 00:15:29 Mr. SIRI begins to wonder if a vaccine should not be declared not to cause a condition if there are no studies that prove it
  • 00:17:03 Mr. Siri still asks the witness if, as a scientist, it can be said that a vaccine does not cause autism in the absence of evidence
  • 00:17:59 Encora, Mr. SIRI must repeat the questions as the witness does not answer directly
  • 00:18:55 For the fourth time, the question must be repeated
  • 00:19:55 The question is re-proposed for the fifth time
  • 00:20:04 The witness admits that it cannot be said that a vaccine does not cause autism in the absence of evidence, but that decisions can be made as a doctor
  • 00:21:28 The witness now begins to say that a vaccine cannot be said to cause leprosy, although the IOM has no hands reviewed the reports of leprosy.
  • 00:22:26 Mr. SIRI asks again for the sixth time, whether it can be said that a vaccine does not cause autism, even in the absence of evidence
  • 00:22:46 The witness now turns everything around saying that in the absence of evidence, nothing can be said under any circumstances
  • 00:24:42 The witness says that the absence of evidence proves nothing
  • 00:27:24 Mr. SIRI asks again, for the seventh time, if it can be said that a vaccine does not cause autism in the absence of evidence
  • 00:28:27 I start asking if a comparative study has ever been done between vaccinated and unvaccinated children
  • 00:33:36 The witness speaks of 3 deaths and 24 cases of encephalitis
  • 00:35:27 Mr.SIRI points out that he is trying to understand the risks of vaccines
  • 00:36:40 The annual earnings of the pharmaceutical industries amount to around 20 billion
  • 00:38:44 Document 23, disease codes
  • 00:42:10 Mr. Siri asks why the witness can easily find co-factors for vaccine safety studies, but instead finds it difficult to examine the co-factors for a randomized, retrospective study between vaccinated and unvaccinated children

Video 9 - Aluminum Adjuvants, Health Effects, Randomized Studies

The questions in this section mainly concern the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, the concept of randomized trials and the use of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines.

  • 00:00:15 Still looking for difficult cofactors for a possible retrospective study: wild polio, diphtheria. These are simple to check
  • 00:03:49 A similar retrospective study has been requested by several groups: pressure groups and institutions
  • 00:05:58 Document 24: Comparative Pilot Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children, Jackson State University
  • 00:07:55 The witness admits that money influences publications in scientific journals, but only if the reports are against vaccines
  • 00:08:46 Odds ratio section of the study with total health outcomes among vaccinated and unvaccinated children
  • 00:12:50 Document 25: another study by the same group of professors at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Jackson State University: association between vaccinated and unvaccinated children
  • 00:17:59 Document 26: Peter Aaby study on an African community where vaccinated children have a 10 times higher mortality rate
  • 00:27:16 Discussion on the DTaP whole cell vaccine analyzed by Peter Aaby in his study, a vaccine widely used in developing countries
  • 00:28:06 Document 27: 1994 IOM report; the committee identified little information on the causes of serious adverse reactions in some people after vaccines
  • 00:29:25 Document 28, an extract from a study on genetic predispositions to serious adverse reactions
  • 00:34:54 A team of researchers from the University of Columbia are studying aluminum adjuvants in vaccines
  • 00:36:53 The antigens of inactivated vaccines are too weak, so aluminum must be added
  • 00:37:19 Aluminum can be found months and years later at the injection site
  • 00:38:37 The witness confirms that the antigen absorbed by aluminum can bind to mocrophages and dendritic cells
  • 00:39:31 The witness admits that the injected aluminum can reach the brain
  • 00:40:10 Document 29: study published in the journal Vaccine showing that aluminum injected into rabbits travels to the brain
  • 00:42:01 Another 2009 study, Document 30, with mice, found that guinea pigs exhibit numerous adverse reactions of the SCN, brain damage

Video 10 - Vaccine ingredients

  • 00:00:32 Document 32, aluminum found in the brains of sectioned guinea pigs, injected with aluminum
  • 00:01:14 Document 33, studies showing that aluminum travels to the guinea pig's rim and discussion about whether it is possible to determine the same for humans
  • 00:10:28 A letter from the University of Columbia, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, by Prof. Chris Shaw who directs the research group, expert in aluminum, addressed to HHS and NIH, the FDA and the CDC
  • 00:12:51 The witness reads, on request, some sentences of the aforementioned letter, in which the author declares that the CDC statements, through his website, that vaccines do not cause autism, are totally without foundation
  • 00:15:14 Document 39, study titled Aluminum in brain tissues in Autism; surprising observation of aluminum in the brains (immune cells) of children with autism who died prematurely
  • 00:18:54 Mr. SIRI asks the quantity of antigen present in the vaccines sold in the US and if there are substances dangerous for the body and human cells
  • 00:20:06 Questions about the presence of monkey kidney cells in pediatric vaccines
  • 00:23:05 Questions about the presence of calf or bovine serum in vaccines
  • 00:24:37 Document 40, produced by the FDA, Vaccine Excipients and Synthesis, calf serum as an ingredient, as well as cow's milk, casein, egg protein, pig jelly, cow jelly, animal products or by-products, MRC-5 human diploid cells
  • 00:31:10 Mr. SIRI asks what MRC-5 are in vaccines, aborted fetus cells
  • 00:32:53 WI-38, Diploid phobroblasts of human polomones in vaccines
  • 00:34:07 Human albumin in vaccines
  • 00:36:48 Recombined human albumin in vaccines
  • 00:38:25 The witness admits that there are reactions to vaccines
  • 00:39:05 Human DNA in vaccines
  • 00:43:40 The monkey virus or SV-40 in vaccines, which contaminated the people who received that vaccine

Video 11 - The Godfather of Vaccines: HIV / AIDS, Fetuses, Test Subjects

  • 00:02:30 Discussion on fetoxytanol-2, present in pediatric vaccines and its safety levels
  • 00:03:35 Polysorbate 80 in scheduled vaccines
  • 00:03:50 Document 40, official ingredients of the FDA vaccines, study demonstrating the presence of human WI-38 cells in the final product of the vaccines, unlike what the witness previously stated
  • 00:05:51 Discussions about aluminum products that bind to by-products and impurities from the vaccine production process, not just the target antigen
  • 00:08:50 Human albumin, protein structure, can bind to aluminum as well as human DNA (MRC-5, WI-38 or other waste); aluminum could also bind to pig, egg and casein jelly found in vaccines
  • 00:12:26 Fetuses used throughout the witness's career associated with vaccines
  • 00:13:10 Document 41, study conducted by the Wistar Institute, one of the authors is SA Plotkin, which shows how many fetuses - 76 - have been used to make the vaccine
  • 00:15:41 Reading of some parts of Document 41: fetuses of 3 months or more, normally developed, fetuses aborted for social and psychiatric reasons; collected organs (pituitary gland, lung, skin, kidney, spleen, heart, tongue: a whole series which are then broken up, cultivated. - The witness continues to declare that he has only worked on two fetuses in his career
  • 00:19:16 Mr. Siri asks if the feits came from abortions of women in psychiatric institutions
  • 00:20:18 Mr. Siri asked the witness if he ever used mentally handicapped individuals to study an experimental vaccine. An article shows that he used 13 disabled children
  • 00:22:02 Article entitled Attenuation of RA 27/3 Rubella Virus in Human Diploid Cells WI-38

Video 12 - Final Part - Effectiveness, VAERS, Free Will

  • 00:04:38 Mr. SIRI asks about the umami samples tested before 1959; the witness replies that he does not know of its existence
  • 00:08:03 Article entitled Vaccination with the CHAT strain of Attenuated Polio Virus, which shows that there were samples of polio vaccine used in the Belgian Congo and periodically sent to the Wistar Institute
  • 00:11:40 2014 FDA statement "Although individuals immunized with the acellular vaccine can be protected from disease, they can still get the infection without getting sick and can spread the infection," Warfel Study
  • 00:14:14 The witness admits that a large portion of the adult population is not immune to pertussis
  • 00:16:33 The witness said that unimpaired people could refuse vaccination
  • 00:16:59 The witness says that generally, adults can make decisions about whether to get vaccinated or not, but not for their children due to public health reasons
  • 00:17:42 The witness corrects himself, specifying that if a person works in the health categories, he should necessarily get vaccinated
  • 00:17:59 Discussion on poliovirus and associated vaccines in the USA; not a single case has occurred since 1979 in the US
  • 00:18:40 The witness says that people who receive the inactivated polio vaccine used in the U.S. may still get infected with the wild virus without getting sick, but spreading the infection.
  • 00:20:47 Mr. SIRI asks if immunity from IPV vaccine in childhood lasts forever, the tstimone replies that he thinks he can, but that he cannot confirm it
  • 00:21:16 Mr. SIRI asks if after 30 years the vaccinated people will still be immune; the witness replies that he is not sure about it
  • 00:22:20 Mr. SIRI inquires about the immunity and efficacy of the mumps vaccine immediately after vaccination; the witness says it is tall, but decreases over time
  • 00:23:29 Mr. SIRI asks about immunity to rubella vaccine; same response from the witness
  • 00:25:17 Mr. SIRI asks if it is important to make the tetanus vaccine, introduced in the USA in the late 40s, when there were only four cases out of a million people, no deaths, as the CDC states in the Pink Book
  • 00:26:25 Mr. SIRI asks if the number of serious adverse reactions caused by tetanus is known; the witness replies that he does not think the vaccine is causing serious reactions
  • 00:27:11 Mr. SIRI introduces the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) funded by the FDA and the CDC
  • 00:27:45 Document 46, a printout of all the VAERS data regarding all the adverse reactions reported in the last ten years after the tetanus, 985 deaths reported in the last ten years (98 per year approx.) And 23981 emergency room admissions and ordinary visits to follow-up to the tetanus vaccine in the last ten years and 1256 permanent handicaps (125 per year)
  • 00:36:51 Mr. SIRI points out that this study says that less than 1% of adverse reactions are reported
  • 00:37:09 Mr. SIRI indicates that there are numerous government reports with similar estimates for VAERS
  • 00:38:16 Hypothetical calculation of a 1% full of reaction channels that would give 98000 deaths associated with a vaccine
  • 00:43:35 Mr. SIRI points out that the Vaccine Safety Datalink is not accessible to independent researchers
Corvelva has been committed to promoting freedom of choice in the field of vaccination for years, informing and supporting families through a network of transparent information based on scientific data. On our site you will find studies, articles and updated documents on vaccines and health