ATTENTION: this section is kept active for the sole purpose of historical memory of what happened in Italy during the Covid19 "pandemic". All the legal provisions approved during that period have ceased to have effect.

We publish the circular of December 7 MIUR, valid for the school sector

We publish the circular of December 7 MIUR, valid for the school sector

From what can be deduced, the enhanced control of the Green Pass will be used for verification, therefore those in possession of a Green Pass from recovery are to be considered protected at the moment, equal to the vaccinated.

We reserve some doubts about extreme situations that could arise with the request for the vaccination certificate; in any case, for the school, refer to what is reported and demand that it be applied:

"In summary, from next December 15, 2021, in order to carry out their work activities, school staff must have a "reinforced" green certification (vaccination and recovery). The administration of the booster dose may be
carried out no earlier than five months after the completion of the primary vaccination cycle and no later than the validity period of the COVID-19 green certification, now equal to nine months."

Having said that, we also specify that those who are on leave, maternity leave, sick leave or holidays are expressly temporarily excluded from the obligation, and the obligation must be considered applicable only to those who provide the work service:

"It therefore appears that school personnel whose employment relationship is suspended, as in the case of secondment, leave of absence of any kind, maternity or parental leave, may be considered excluded from the vaccination obligation introduced by Legislative Decree 26 November 2021, no. 172.
School personnel employed in any capacity by another administration/entity are subject to compliance with the requirements set by the latter. On the date of return to school service, said personnel must have fulfilled the vaccination obligation."

With regard to the timeframes for fulfilling the obligation and questions about the possibility of continuing to provide service in the time frame between booking and actual vaccination, on which you also asked questions regarding possible sanctions, the circular specifies that:

"it is believed that in the aforementioned five-year period, on a temporary basis, said personnel will continue to carry out their work activities under the current conditions, i.e. fulfilling the obligation to possess and display the basic green certification (also obtained through a swab).
Upon expiry of said five-day deadline, in the event of failure to submit the documentation, the school principal shall immediately activate the procedure for failure to comply described in the following paragraph.
In the specific case referred to in letter c), i.e. in the case of presentation of documentation certifying the request for vaccination, the school principal invites the interested party to immediately transmit, and in any case no later than three days after administration, the certification certifying compliance with the vaccination obligation, to be carried out within a maximum of twenty days following receipt of the invitation from the school principal.
In this case, it is believed that in the interval between the administration of the vaccine and, therefore, on a temporary basis, said personnel will continue to carry out their work activities under the current conditions, i.e. fulfilling the obligation to possess and display the basic green certification (also obtained by means of a swab)."

So no penalties for those who work with the vaccination reservation presented.

We also specify that any threats relating to the failure to vaccinate following a reservation and the feared (by some) "false declarations", the person who ultimately changes his mind and decides to cancel the appointment is always protected: booking the vaccination is not a false declaration, since a person can always change his mind and decide not to sign the informed consent, or change his mind, or feel unwell, or whatever.

However, we suggest that you never sign anything and that you only present the documentation required by the law (always PEC or registered mail) without making any additional declarations regarding your intentions.

Circular no. 1889 of 7 December 2021 - Circular no. 1889 of 7 December 2021 - Miur

Corvelva has been committed to promoting freedom of choice in the field of vaccination for years, informing and supporting families through a network of transparent information based on scientific data. On our site you will find studies, articles and updated documents on vaccines and health