In recent years our Association has used many resources to inform and communicate to people with the utmost precision and reliability, in one of the saddest moments of our country, both from a communicative and political point of view.
With profound responsibility and sincere dedication, we have collected data and shared studies and insights to support our intent, which is to defend the sacrosanct right to freedom of care, against any form of imposition and obviously the focus has always been on the imposition of vaccinations, pediatric ones first and foremost.
Lately we have had to invest further sums of money to adapt the site and allow us to cope with the ever-increasing number of visits it receives, as well as to be able to continue to offer increasingly in-depth contents and tools, with the main aim of making them accessible, free of charge, to everyone.
The Corvelva site receives on average 3 million visits per month, almost 25 million visits per year, many of which also from abroad, which fills us with pride but it is also for this reason that we had to equip ourselves with a special, dedicated server. , also necessary to be able to manage the intense and welcome number of accesses. To continue our journey to combat vaccination obligations, especially those imposed on children (which preclude their access to essential services such as nursery and nursery school), we need your help!
If you believe that what we do is important, join Corvelva!
By joining you will also have the opportunity to access some content exclusively dedicated to members, such as free information desks, films and books that are freely visible and consultable, the social network within the site dedicated only to members, as well as an area reserved for members in which collect useful information and documentation for the objection process.
But above all, support and be of fundamental help to continue our work!
We remind you that our mission is to make the greatest number of contents accessible for free to everyone, members and non-members, and that we provide help and answers to everyone, always... but we are a Non-Profit Association and everything we do, therefore, it is made possible thanks to the donations that come to us from membership fees and obviously to the staff who contribute spontaneously and with enormous commitment, out of a profound sense of individual and collective responsibility.
Join us by signing up now!
See you soon, Corvelva Staff