Vaccinegate - EN

Technical report on MALDI analysis related to the insoluble compound present in the Infanrix Hexa vaccine

Technical report on MALDI analysis related to the insoluble compound present in the Infanrix Hexa vaccine

Remember the macromolecule we found in the Infanrix Hexa? The one that is indigestible, and that we had not been able to identify?

Here is the report of the analysis "MALDI-TOF" (methodology called into question by critics of the use of trypsin). The result, in simple terms, tells us that the macromolecule is a sort of "black hole" or sponge, which absorbs everything it comes into contact with.

It was not possible to "divide" it or identify any content.

The conclusions

From the analyzes performed it was not possible to identify the compound but to detect some chemical-physical properties on which to pay attention:

  1. Insolubility of the compound in polar media;
  2. Potential ability of the compound to aggregate and sequester compounds present in the organic solution;
  3. Non-volatile compound even if irradiated with MALDI laser light.

It means that the compound is of high molecular weight and consists of a single large apolar macromolecule.

The features mentioned above are typical of different compounds including:

  1. Functionalized resins.
  2. Macromolecular compounds with altered, aggregate and retentive conformation (insoluble with high resistance to digestion eg: PRIONS).

This is the fact, Remember That this substance was found Within the most common and used for hexavalent pediatric age, in other words it is injected in newborns obligatorily.

Download: CORVELVA-Technical-report-MALDI-analysis-insoluble-compound-insoluble-Infanrix-Hexa.pdf


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