Experiences and stories

From dark to light

From dark to light
  • Author: Micaela Grammatica
  • Publisher: Buona Vita Social Club
  • Publication: 21/03/2019
  • Pages: 108 (excluding cover)
  • ISBN / EAN: 9788894621716

The book tells us about a humble and great woman, kind and simple, certainly imperfect like all of us but so magnificently true.

The first part concerns her story and what she and her children faced, while in the second part Micaela proposed the work undertaken with her son both as a recovery path and as an educational activity, also sharing the recipes that she and Daniel personalized . Simple recipes but full of love and hope: because what we take for granted, even the most basic thing, is often an incredible goal to achieve for a disabled child.

BIOGRAPHY: Micaela Grammatica was born in Milan in 1974. She is the courageous mother of a little cook and a silent hero.


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