

IMPORTANT NOTE: This information provides a snapshot of the European situation in September 2023. Please note that for more specific and up-to-date information on a single country, it is advisable to contact the local organisations.

Vaccination policies

In Bulgaria there are 10 compulsory vaccinations for children.

All insured persons with a selected general practitioner will receive the mandatory vaccinations and revaccinations administered by the general practitioner. These vaccines are free for the patient.
For policyholders who have not exercised the right to choose a general practitioner, compulsory vaccinations and revaccinations will be carried out free of charge at the vaccination office of each Regional Health Inspectorate in the municipalities of the district.


Children must undergo 10 vaccines in order to access school.


Private schools must follow government educational standards and must be licensed by the state through the Ministry of Education.

Homeschooling is not expressly prohibited, but the law does not provide for homeschooling independent of government education programs and standards. It is possible to choose an "independent form of education" if the parent or student wishes. This form is also subject to checks and controls by the state school system and the student must be affiliated/enrolled in a school and follow its study program.

For more information visit the websiteHSLDA.

Vaccination schedule

For more information visit the websiteNHS.

Recognition and compensation for vaccine injuries

Can the report be made by patients or healthcare professionals? Adverse events to vaccines should be reported to the Medicines Executive Agency (ИЗПЪЛНИТЕЛНА АГЕНЦИЯ ПО ЛЕКАРСТВАТА).

We are not aware if there is a law that compensates for vaccine injuries.

If you find any inaccuracies and want to help us update the following sheet, write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We want to thank you EFVV for providing us with the first information on the European situation.

Obligations in Europe

Obligations in Europe
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