

IMPORTANT NOTE: This information provides a snapshot of the European situation in September 2023. Please note that for more specific and up-to-date information on a single country, it is advisable to contact the local organisations.

Vaccination policies

In Latvia there are 15 (fifteen) mandatory vaccines:

  1. tuberculosis
  2. rotavirus
  3. diphtheria
  4. tetanus
  5. whooping cough
  6. polio
  7. Haemophilus influenzae type b infection
  8. hepatitis B
  9. pneumococcus
  10. measles
  11. mumps
  12. rubella
  13. chickenpox
  14. papillomavirus
  15. influence

Children between the ages of 1 and 18 should also be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis if they reside in territories where, according to epidemiological surveillance data from the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, higher morbidity is observed .


Data not yet collected


In Latvia, the law requires that every 5-year-old child be enrolled in a kindergarten and that every 7-year-old child be enrolled in a school. According to education law , THE General Education Act e Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers, Family education (homeschooling) is a form of education available for kindergarten and school.

To be able to educate a child in a family (homeschool), parents must submit a written request to the school principal. For school grades 1 to 8, the written application must contain a declaration from the parents that, due to the state of health of the child or for psychological reasons, the school is not able to guarantee the necessary learning conditions and at home they have been create adequate learning conditions. One of the following documents must also be attached to the application: a written prescription from a doctor or psychologist.

The school administration determines the procedure for implementing the educational program and the procedure by which teachers evaluate the child's achievements during the school year. State exam for all children (including those who are home-schooled) is required in grades 3 and 6.

For more information visit the websiteHSLDA.

Vaccination schedule

For more information visit the websiteEcdc.

Recognition and compensation for vaccine injuries

Data not yet collected

Local organizations pro-freedom of choice in the therapeutic field

If you find any inaccuracies and want to help us update the following sheet, write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We want to thank you EFVV for providing us with the first information on the European situation.


Obligations in Europe

Obligations in Europe
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