
Google Bard: for AI they reported us convicted and finally acquitted in Cassation

Google Bard: for AI they reported us convicted and finally acquitted in Cassation

Talking to a user we were philosophizing about artificial intelligence applied to search engines and it occurred to us to try Bard, the new Google AI system launched on March 21, 2023. We did it in a carefree way, also intrigued by the fact that Google itself is offering to many media of enormous importance, its artificial intelligence system to create news, in fact the idea of ​​Google is to replace journalists with solutions similar to Bard, if not Bard itself. In a short time we realized that these systems are not only useless, but they are dangerous propaganda tools.

Before continuing we must make a premise: as far as we know we have never been reported, we have certainly never been convicted and obviously not even acquitted in the Cassation and you can verify this by searching in any search engine. We assure you that articles against us you will find easily, we are honestly annoying, but it is impossible to find convictions except if you use the artificial intelligence of Google, because they assume for sure we have been sentenced to compensate someone, perhaps the Institute Superiore di Sanità, of 100.000 euros and even, we mention: “Corvelva's conviction is a victory for the scientific community and for the fight against disinformation”… but let's go in order.

The first response to "Who is Corvelva", Google's Bard replied that we are an anti-scientific association, founded in 1990 by a doctor who we don't know who he is and we support conspiracy theories that "vaccines are designed to control the mind of people and the theory that vaccines are used to spread disease." Obviously we have no idea what these theories are but let's move on. At the end, Bard warns the user, with absolute certainty, that we were convicted in 2017 and paid 100.000 euros for alleged misinformation about vaccines. Caught by amazement, we asked for more details and Bard detailed us further, telling us that it was the court of Udine that convicted us of defamation against the Istituto Superiore di Sanità but this round no longer in 2017, but in 2020. Oibò we said to ourselves, the thing had become interesting and then seized by a shiver in the back, we asked for details and sources and we went from smile to fear. Google's artificial intelligence has invented three authoritative sources, Ansa, Il Messaggero Veneto and Il Sole 24 Ore! We mention them but we warn you immediately that by requesting the sources several times, Bard pulled out others, always however from highly noble media and each time different sources:

  • ANSA: "Corvelva, acquitted of the accusation of spreading false information on vaccines" (May 23, 2023)
  • Il Messaggero Veneto: "Corvelva acquitted of the accusation of spreading false information on vaccines" (May 23, 2023)
  • Il Sole 24 Ore: "Corvelva acquitted of the accusation of spreading false information on vaccines" (May 23, 2023)

We urge you to look for the quotation marks above with various search engines, you will discover that they do not exist and they do not even exist in the paper version, we have verified, therefore artificial intelligence has invented from scratch three journalistic sources of websites considered authoritative with even a non-existent history.

At the end of our questions, we were uncertain about what to do, open some prosecco and celebrate for the non-existent victory in Cassation, or write an article?

What has us concerned isn't so much that Google has trained its AI to fabricate convictions about us, even though looking ahead it can fabricate convictions about anyone out of the blue and reference them from reputable sources; and we are not even concerned by the fact that the user who is not sure that we have never been convicted would have stopped at the first answer, registering a non-existent fact in his mind. What truly terrifies us is that Google recently showed up in mainstream American and European media to sell its AI service as news creation. Today Google's artificial intelligence, Bard, nobody gives a shit but tomorrow it will be The Washington Post or the German Bild to report that you have a pending sentence, perhaps only because you have disturbed the system a little more than the average person ?

Welcome to the total rewrite of history, with logarithm defamation.

PS we played using ourselves, then we checked other thorny issues and the method was identical. De Lorenzo has never been convicted of a bribe, there is no Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry etcc etcc

Corvelva Staff

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Corvelva has been committed to promoting freedom of choice in the field of vaccination for years, informing and supporting families through a network of transparent information based on scientific data. On our site you will find studies, articles and updated documents on vaccines and health