
Question of sanctions and Green Pass: let's take stock

Question of sanctions and Green Pass: let's take stock

Dear Members and Supporters,

We are writing this to give you a brief summary of two main topics: the 100 euro fines for the Over 50s and for categories subject to compulsory vaccination; the forfeiture of the Super Green Pass to access RSA and health facilities as companions.

We haven't updated you before because without something certain there was little to say, we could have only given you impressions but nothing concrete, but today we can at least put down some points.

Sanctions issue Vaccination obligation

We know that there is an amendment already approved whose text, with reference only to this specific point, is as follows:

“The following are added to article 7 after paragraph 1: « 1-bis. From the date of entry into force of the law converting this decree until the 30 June 2023 are the activities and procedures for the imposition of the sanction were suspended provided for by article 4-sexies, paragraphs 3, 4 and 6, of the decree-law of 1 April 2021, n. 44, converted, with amendments, by law 28 May 2021, n. 76.”

Reading it some doubts arose, including the fact that we are talking about "imrogation" and not also about "collection".
To get a clarification we have also solicited various political figures via social networks among those who have exposed themselves the most on the merits, we paste below a screen to make you understand with an example what the address is:



As you can see, the political orientation on the sanctions would seem clear: even those already imposed, according to the (informal) responses we received, would be considered void. Should the matter still have gaps, we will take care to press for an explanatory circular to be issued but as of today, when the final text is converted (objectively it seems armored and given the imminent deadline we see no dangers in not converting) any sanction would be frozen, therefore no need to pay, no need to appeal, no need to do anything. We also specify that given the size of the amount, there is in any case no reason to worry too much: the sanctions only served to frighten, once again, the population and above all the undecided who were late in responding to the appeal… It appears of the entirely unlikely that the state will bother to start, moreover in the face of what is written above, compulsory collection activities on such a sum.

PS Small note, controversy but on the sidelines: pay particular attention to those scammers who are stirring up your fear in order to sell you applications for 400 or 500 euros. We do not judge the work of a lawyer and we do not discuss the right compensation that must be guaranteed to him, but we have received news, verified by us, of terror instigators with the sole purpose of making you shell out hundreds of euros for non-existent appeals. Freedom of choice in this too, but pay more attention than usual because a mass of frightened people are a tempting prey for many criminals.

We will obviously monitor both the timing of approval and publication in the Gazette, and any further clarifications that may arrive, keeping you updated as soon as possible.

Super Green Pass issue

We steal and copy below, a post from the CLiVa committee explaining the recent approval in the Senate of an important amendment (inviting you to follow our Tuscan friends too):


Yesterday the Senate approved an amendment during the conversion law of DL 161 of October 31 (the one that anticipated the return of health workers excluded due to non-regularity in covid vaccinations) which effectively eliminates the latest uses of the greenpass.

In amendment 7.0.100 we also find the reduction from 10 to 5 days of the days in which the ffp2 mask must be worn in case of close contacts (10-ter law 52) and the swab has been removed in case of symptoms after being in contact with positive.

Paragraph 3 (2 and 3 sentences) of the same 10-ter was also canceled, i.e. the one that provided for the swab at the end of isolation because it was positive. Therefore, when the conversion law is published in the official gazette, those who have tested positive will be able to leave isolation after 5 days in the absence of symptoms without having to carry out the control swab. 

In the same amendment some very important paragraphs of the law are deleted law 76 converting DL 44 in particular:

  • 1 bis and 1 ter: the greenpass is removed to access the RSA as visitors;
  • 1 sexies: the green pass is removed for access to hospital facilities for inpatient wards.

The standard established by the law is also cancelled llaw 87 converting DL 52 which included:

  • 2 bis: greenpass for companions in the emergency room, in hospital wards and in specialist outpatient clinics.

The text must now be approved by the chamber before it actually enters into force.

Staff C.Li.Va. Tuscany

Text Amendment 7.0.100

Today, December 15, 2022, the Green Pass and Super Green Pass are still mandatory but we know that many establishments no longer ask for it. This obligation remains in force until December 31st or until the day in which the Decree Law 161/2022 will be converted. We will take care to notify you as soon as we have the definitive text in the Official Journal.

These are the points on which many of you are questioning us and these are the answers we can give you today, we assure you that it will be our concern to inform you as soon as we have more information.

Corvelva Staff



Corvelva has been committed to promoting freedom of choice in the field of vaccination for years, informing and supporting families through a network of transparent information based on scientific data. On our site you will find studies, articles and updated documents on vaccines and health