Vaccinegate - EN

5 of 7 vaccines analyzed are not compliant

5 of 7 vaccines analyzed are not compliant

Metagenomics analysis report on vaccine samples
The Corvelva Association, an historic Italian association that support vaccine freedom, has commissioned the analysis of biological contamination in some batches of vaccines currently commercialized in Italy, to a highly qualified scientific institute specialized in sequencing the genetic material.

The results are alarming, on 7 types of vaccines, as many as 5 do not conform to the guidelines for the quantity of biological material, DNA or foreign RNA of human or animal origin, or for the presence of genetic mutations of the antigens!!!

1. Priorix Tetra, GlaxoSmithKline - NOT CONFORMING
2. Infanrix hexa, GlaxoSmithKline - NOT CONFORMING
3. Measles live vaccine B.P., Poonawalla Group - NOT CONFORMING
4. PolioInfanrix, GlaxoSmithKline - NOT CONFORMING
5. Vivotif, PaxVax - NOT CONFORMING

These results throw a shadow on the quality of the checks carried out by the controllers bodies.

We can not yet release the original documentation and communicate the names of the laboratories, that are internationally certified, because we are completing further investigations to understand other aspects that are decisive for safety and effectiveness. Vaccines such as Infanrix hexa and PolioInfanrix have the viral DNA of the poliovirus in quantities below the limits of detection of both standard instruments and the sensitivity of deep sequencing, this raises the following questions: is the antigen really present? those vaccines immunize? These questions and many others will be answered in the second line of our research.
In Italy already in the coming days will be presented complaints to the competent authorities and we will keep you updated.

Corvelva Staff

 Download Analysis Report:

 Translated by team CLiVa -


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